Dinoa LLC

Claw´s Cat 500mg 100 caps


SKU USA011 Category

It is a natural anti-inflammatory

It is very rich in glycosides, which have calming and anti-inflammatory functions in our body. If you consume this plant, you can reduce the presence of pain and swelling in your joints.

Prevents neural degeneration
If you forget things easily or if you don’t react at your best in sports or physical activities, you may have neural problems.

Boost your immune system

It is very good for the intestines
When you start consuming this plant, your digestive system will be completely cleaned, until it reaches your intestines.

Relieves chronic ailments
Diseases that cause chronic ailments are delicate since they cancel out any type of physical activity and with the formula you can relieve joint, lung and muscle pain, to improve the state of your body.


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